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JZyNO Pledges Support at Saints Friskes Annual Fundraiser for Liberian Students


The recent Saints Friskes fundraiser event in Silver Spring, Maryland, was a heartwarming celebration of community, culture, the power of music and charity for a noble cause.

The highlight of the evening was the special appearance by JZyNO, aka Mr. Butta My Bread, who graced the event with his presence and support. Known for his electrifying performances and soulful music, JZyNO did not disappoint, bringing his unique flair and heartfelt commitment to the stage.

JZyNO was profoundly moved by Saints Friskes' unwavering dedication to providing scholarships for students in Liberia, specifically at St. Teresa's Convent and St. Patrick's High School. He commended the organizers for their tireless efforts and emphasized his pride in their work, highlighting the sentiment that "Liberia is all we have." This powerful statement resonated with all in attendance, reinforcing the importance of supporting and uplifting their homeland.

To further his support, JZyNO chose to back a Liberian organization, delighting the crowd with some of his fan-favorite hits upon his arrival. His performance was not just a musical treat but a gesture of solidarity and encouragement for the cause.

Inspired by the organization's mission to foster education, JZyNO pledged a generous donation of $700 to help support Saints Friskes' initiatives. He expressed his gratitude to all Liberians present, acknowledging their hard work and dedication in promoting and supporting Liberia. His words were filled with appreciation and hope, underlining the significance of their collective efforts.

JZyNO also mentioned his eagerness to enhance his corporate social responsibility by continuing to support such praiseworthy causes. His commitment to philanthropy and education in Liberia is a shining example of how influential figures can drive positive change and make a lasting impact on communities.

The Saints Friskes annual fundraiser event was a resounding success, thanks in no small part to JZyNO's heartfelt contributions and inspiring presence. We look forward to seeing more of his philanthropic endeavors and the continued success of Saints Friskes in their mission to support education in Liberia.

Stay tuned for more updates on JZyNO's philanthropic activities and upcoming performances. Together, let's celebrate the spirit of giving and the power of music to unite and inspire!


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